Soft-Tissue Pet Surgery

At All Creatures Animal Clinic, we know how scary the word “surgery” can be.
We understand your pet is a part of your family and
deserves to be treated that way.

Our veterinary team is dedicated to educating you every step of the way
about the details of the procedure needed.

Compassionate service is of the utmost importance to us.
Good veterinary care is more than just providing services;
it’s about offering sympathy and respect for everyone involved.

Soft-Tissue Pet Surgery

At All Creatures Animal Clinic, we know how scary the word “surgery” can be.
We understand your pet is a part of your family and
deserves to be treated that way.
Our veterinary team is dedicated to educating you every step of the way
about the details of the procedure needed.

Compassionate service is of the utmost importance to us.
Good veterinary care is more than just providing services;
it’s about offering sympathy and respect for everyone involved.

Surgeries Offered At All Creatures Animal Clinic

We pride ourselves on helping Jasper, Walker County, Union Chapel, Saragossa, and Curry with affordable, high-quality veterinary surgery services. The surgeries we offer include various soft tissue surgeries and spaying and neutering.

Soft-Tissue Pet Surgery

Mass Removal

This procedure is done by an incision through the skin where the mass is. The purpose is to remove any potentially cancerous tumor cells within the mass. Some of these masses can also restrict breathing, eating, and movement.

Foreign body removal surgery

For anyone who has ever had a dog, you know how common it is for them to eat something they shouldn’t, like:

These may get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract. For cats, it is common for them to swallow string-like objects. This procedure removes the blockages.

Bladder Stone Removal Surgery

This procedure is done when your pet has bladder stones, possibly caused by urinary tract disease, poor diet/hydration, or genetics. The purpose is to prevent urinary blockage.

Laceration Repair

Lacerations can occur from accidents or rough play and may vary in severity. Laceration repair involves carefully suturing and treating cuts or wounds on your pet. The aim is to repair the skin and underlying tissues, prevent infection, and promote healing.

Spay and Neuter Surgery

This procedure removes your pet’s reproductive organs. Afterward, they will no longer be able to reproduce.

All Creatures Animal Clinic is Here to Help

Is your pet having physical symptoms that might require surgery? All Creatures Animal Clinic is here to serve. For over 35 years, our veterinarian Dr. Barker has been helping animals of all shapes and sizes. Our experienced team is eager to meet you!

Contact us today to set up an appointment.

All Creatures Animal Clinic cares for dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits, livestock, exotic animals, and more. We provide avian care, exotic pet care, pet wellness care, pet vaccinations, spay and neuter, and pet surgery for clients in Jasper, Walker County, Union Chapel, Saragossa, and Curry. Contact us for more info.

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